Thank You for 2024!
At the beginning of 2024 I decided to sell all my old gear that I had not been using for the past 10 years. This left me a considerable amount of free money to use towards purchasing guitars I had always wanted.
Super huge! Thank you to Sweetwater Sound and Sales Engineer, Matt Subers for all their help and follow through.
7 New Guitars, 1 New Mic, Sound Interface, countless straps, strings, parts and miscellaneous cables and guitar picks have made 2024 a memorable year for my son and I.
Oh yes, there were various problems with shipping, ordering, back ordering, Sweetwater Card payment processing and duplicate orders.
Every single time Matt Subers stepped and fixed most of these issues and then a phone call to explain the issue and what was done to resolve it. Always following up with me a week or two later to make sure things were top notch.
You even took care of my wife's Bit O Honey fix!!! Thank you very much!
Here's to 2025 and to see what damage I can do this year!