Swain is relatively fine
I think swain is “fine” they hit a much better mark in terms of tankiness if you still think he isn’t tanky you’re probably building wrong into majority ap teams if you don’t have a tank and want to play front line go ROA > Mr item if you don’t want to get bursted if you’re the solo carry damage you can go a squishier build BFT > cosmic drive > tank item third I’ve had the most success playing him front line ROA builds as people have been picking a lot of bursty champions with a few tanks liandry has been a situational item as of late as well as ryali because cosmic drive or approach velocity rune is VERY strong on him I haven’t felt the need to build ryali I don’t have problems catching people I understand some people don’t like like iteration of swain but the HP mod feels a lot better on him for passive and his ult than before I think they may nerf him because he feels strong I’m assuming a Q nerf. Let me hear your thoughts.