Libido tanked once I started my supplement routine
Hey everybody, I know this topic gets brought up a lot, but would appreciate the patience and grace as I raise my situation. I’ll try to keep it brief. 27M.
I started a supplement routine a few months back and in that time period I’ve noticed a significant decrease in my libido. Before everybody goes and says just talk to your doctor, I did go and got a test and I’m pending my follow up conversation to go over results. Just want to raise it here as well. It’s likely the two aren’t related. I sleep well but could be more consistent with exercise. I’m relatively active.
Morning: Thorne Basic B Complex
Midday: Thorne 1000iu Vitamin D, Thorne 15mg Zinc Picolinate
Evening: Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Fish Oil (650mg EPA 450 mg DHA)
Try to take each one with food. Think it’s a pretty basic stack all things considered without any crazy high quantities, but appreciate everyone’s consideration. Overall I feel good and my energy has been good and I’ve even dropped some weight in the period. Any thoughts?