Ecdysterone/turkesterone update
Whats going on everyone i wanted to share my experience with ecdy/turk.
First off I know a lot of people are put off on turk because a lot of people think its a placebo which i feel like 99% of the marketed “turk” is. Thats not what i’m here to talk about today.
I wasnt focused on turk but actual ecdy.
The reason why i made this post is because ive actually made significant gains in my lift and physique. Now you would think “this is only 1 person”. i have 2 other friends who took ecdy at the same time i did because we all wanted to see if it did anything.
Lets talk about my diet and workout routine: Diet stays relatively the same, i dont do cutting or bulking phases. I just maintain and eat enough/get enough protein. Before ecdy ive been on creatine and haven’t came off creatine. I took protein as well. I cant speak on my other fiends diet habits. My diet stayed the exact same.
The ecdy i took was from nooptronics depot because of the recent study they did that exposed that the turk in turk products is .004% or some wild number like that. Turk is extremely hard to source so naturally i went to the next best natural thing: ecdy.
Ecdy had a recent study that increased rats in size, turk was more effective but being that it’s impossible to source actual turk i gave up on it. The ecdy ND sells is 50% ecdy at 500mg’s and a tiny bit of tur, 5mg or something like that.
Lets talk about the gains: Previously i could incline dumbell press 85 lb for 10 at 205 lb. Im 5 11’.
First weak of ecdy, didnt notice anything. I thought it was fluke so i increased from 1 dose of 500mg to 4. By the end of the week i felt a little stronger so i bumped it to 6 doses of 500mg and heres where it gets wild.
I weigh 203, am leaner by the look of it (didnt do a bmi test due to them being off) but i now incline bench 105 dumbbells for 10.
My max bench is 305 and previously i could hit maybe 245 for 1.
Now this is about 2 months in of working out and the major difference i think ecdy did for me is the recovery. I could destroy my chest one day and come back the next day and workout anything else without it being too sore. I could hit chest 2 days back to back if i wanted to and be close to the weight i hit the day prior.
For my 2 friends: one was getting back into the gym from a 6 month break and his parents thought he was taking roids because his physique got better than he had when he was working out 6 months ago. He can bench more, curl more, etc etc all while looking leaner.
The other friend has been working out for years in a plateau and finally got past his plateau by increasing in bench, squat, and curls (not as much as my increase)
Side effects: i haven’t seen any side effects to ecdy except it cost a pretty penny. At 6 doses a day i go through a 90 day supply in 15 days. So it comes out to about $150 a month for ecdy. I could get cheaper but i trust the product i currently have so im not willing to switch.
Looking back i would do it all over again and think it does help with increasing numbers.