GameStop 2.0 Theory: A Better Tomorrow
Note - I received great feedback on a distractor in the first cut that wasn’t relevant to the overall message and edited this version accordingly to the fullest extent.
Too long; Don’t watch – GameStop’s transformation + Cohen/DFV buy-ins could be strategically timed to amplify a forced closure of a massive short position leftover from Melvin Capital that was hidden via a bullet swap held by Brazil firms that can no longer roll into a new bullet swap because of new tax reform that could force settlement at the end of this month. This could spark a MASSIVE chain reaction. This could be the tomorrow we’ve all been waiting for.
The GME evolution I hope for involves tokenized BTC direct share ownership that would be immune from naked shorting, dark pools & all the effery that has haunted GME for years. Maybe Cohen is cooking something else, but that’s my best guess. Either way, I think transformation news is coming and it will be strategically timed to screw over shorts the hardest.
Side note - Some of the best tinfoil is shown & not directly spoken to, so keep an eye out. I emptied my whole bag on this video.
I was passionate about making this video to bring awareness to these corrupt practices that create sure bets at the expense of retail and honest business. I believe a better tomorrow exists if this war is won.
Keep questioning everything to disprove or prove any claims. The DD is never done.
I hope you enjoy the show.