The last three and a half years have been trench warfare. It’s been a slow and boring grind. They thought that with enough time and pressure we’d raise the white flag. But now they’re drowning in a pool of their own shit.
With trench warfare it’s hard to tell who’s winning or losing. Both sides get settled in to a daily routine and the front lines don’t move much.
There have been times over the last few years when it seemed like they were winning because their firepower is a lot louder than ours could be.
But in actuality we’ve been ceaselessly digging our trenches and moving the front line forward, day after day, week after week, month after month.
Think how insanity making this must have been for an enemy who has always been able to overwhelm its foe with brute force, with sheer strength, with fear and doubt.
But for the first time in history its supposedly powerful weapons have been shown to be nothing but a mirage, but smoke and mirrors. At the end of the day all those loud noises amount to nothing at all.
They can’t stop us from buying, holding, and direct registering more and more shares. They couldn’t stop the company from raising two billion and eliminating almost all of its debt.
I expect them to get louder as we get closer to overwhelming their front lines. What I’ll remember is that the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes.