Easiest in Chair 2 vs hardest black runs in east/central

Hi, I have been skiing in Summit for some years with my kids but my progress has been slow. I would want to try out chair 2 someday but want to be prepared well first as I am not getting younger.

I can ski down some of medium? blacks comfortably (Triple 60, Blowdown, Roz etc) but it is a bit scary to try out East Peak, Silver fir, Wild cat, Inspiration and Rip cord. I have no problem coming down any of black runs in Armstrong chair area (Ingrid inspiration is still challenging but I can ski down).

When I read the comments about chair 2 - it sounds like the easiest way down even on a powder day (or forgiving day) there is harder than any blacks in central/east/west. I should certainly go there with someone who knows the way down (maybe private lesson?) when I am ready but would like to first understand the exact difficulty.

If you have skied on those East Peak/Silver Fir/Inspiration/Rip Cord, would you say easiest on chair 2 is harder than any of these?