Need specific information to choose my death

Hello everyone,

I'm actively looking for the more efficient way to end my life. I know a couple of people who have tried to commit suicide and fail, and I don't want this to happen to me. I need to be sure everything will work out as planned ; I need a solution I won't be afraid of. I don't want to fear the moment. I don't want to be afraid of suffering and to suffer... like... then I would just rush to the hospital.

I want a painless death ; one that would be one hundred percent safe. That's why I've come to think of poison. That's the classic : leaves no damage. I don't light my car up, I don't kill someone after jumping from a building - I just go to bed. All it requires is taking the right amount of the right substance.

After wandering all over Internet's best scientific literature, it feels like a lot of toxic substances don't kill right away. Most of them guarantee more nausea and dyspnea than they guarantee death. Maybe that's because websites prefer talking about patients that have been saved, rather than "successful" suicides, as not to promote suicide. It feels like I don't know how to do a research on Internet, but as I dig, all I can found is potentially lethal chemicals - but as soon as you inhale it, the 72h-lasting symptoms force you to seek help. As a result, the efficiency of most substances remains unclear.

Here comes where I need you. My best guess is going for the most known things : cyanide and hemlock. I was hoping maybe some of you can give me the information I lack.

Do hemlock and cyanide ensure a quick, painless death ?

Where can one buy hemlock or cyanide apart from the dark web ? Has any laboratory proven trustworthy ?

Will the envelope/wrapping be discreet, as I still live with family and don't want them to see a mysterious laboratory's name ?

Thanks a lot for reading.

Thanks again if you leave an answer.

Also, an answer can help a whole lot. The course of my next weeks or months definitely depends on those comments I will or not receive. Please take me seriously, don't try to hold me back, however genuine your intentions might be.