Failed suicide attempt
I(18F) attempted suicide on 1/1/25 by drinking 4-5ml eucalyptus oil at maybe 4-4:30pm and to mask the smell I took head bath after that, after that I got seizures lasting 5-7mins for which my family took me to a secondary hospital where I got second seizure which the hospital referred me to a tertiary hospital(btw my family and the health care team don’t know I consumed it…). I was admitted on the tertiary hospital for 5-6 hours and discharged with orders of eeg and told to follow up on epilepsy clinic there. I took eeg on 4/1/25 after seizures I seen the doctor on 8/1/25 where he diagnosed me with idiopathic epilepsy. The thing is that I couldn’t even succeed my suicide attempt even when in google mentioned it was fatal in 4-5ml. Or is the seizures really caused by epilepsy. Please help