"The official statement may say like a fractured arm, and the idol would show [up] in a cast...but sometimes they're completely fine, and they just got a new set of titties." r/kpop_uncensored users show mild rage at a former Kpop idol claiming idol companies lie about idols being injured...

...to cover up for time taken to do plastic surgeries.

Context: It's no surprise that the K-pop idol industry is demanding. It certainly is time-demanding for the idols, who appear to work round the clock. In many cases, even some of their schedule information (information on their radio show appearance dates, even airport exits/arrivals, et.c) are released to the public.

Point being, if an idol is going to be absent from their tight schedules, fans are certainly going to notice and are going to ask questions. To soothe them, the idol's entertainment company usually releases some type of statement to explain why.

The statement almost always says the idol became injured and is taking time off to recover. Given how a good chunk of the job appears to be dancing in sync, it is an easy explanation to swallow. Sometimes the idols even show up to work still in arm or leg casts, still limping.

The drama: Recently, a former idol claimed some companies lie in their statements, that the time taken off is to do and recover from plastic surgeries. She claimed some idols even go as far as to show up to work later, in fake casts.

Link to post.

Responses juggle between calling her a liar and saying she's right.

-This is her only way to stay a bit relevant in the industry. Had she not done all this dark K-pop revelation, nobody would follow her on TikTok. She's hungry for attention, and sadly, she has no other avenue to gain it other than posting this kind of content. Classic attention-seeker behavior.

-Literally go touch grass lmao nothing she said was wrong. K-pop fans getting fucking offended by everything when it has nothing to do with them. Go be parasocial in your own circle.

-She gets the most views for talking about the "dark side of kpop". She's allowed to speak about her experiences in the industry, but her attitude is giving desperate for attention ngl. The way she shades other female idols is giving cowardly as well lol. She should just say shit outright if she wants to throw cheap shots, not like kpop stan comments under her videos (thus validating hateful and bitter fans).

-What she said is all true though so

-She’s not saying anything we didn’t already suspect, but she’s saying it from a position of authority and that’s just going to fan the stupidity more…

-She’s such a bitter clout chaser through and through

-Stop giving her attention and watch her fade into nothingness like she deserves

-Shading idols for getting breast augmentation when she herself posted some thirst traps. What's wrong with getting bigger titties? Their body, their choice.

-She’s a bully and bitter about her career choices and failures. I wish people would not give her attention but unfortunately that’s not going to happen.