"Hex The Facscists!" r/utah user plans a protest. Gets piled on in the comments. Doubles down.
A user in r/utah posted a flyer for a protest on March 15th titled "Hex The Fascists! " Join us for an empowerment and protection ritual - no experience needed. Saturday 3/15 at the Utah capitol building from 3:33-5:55PM Bring your rage, power energy, herbs, crystals, and vibes (no fire permitted)
Liberals in the sub proceed to dogpile OP, who then doubles down.
>Can someone bring an extra bat wing and eye of newt? I’m running low and I’ll need it to finish my anti common sense spell.
>How about you pick a protest theme that doesn’t make them justified in ridiculing you for looking like crazy people. As a person who thinks the possibility of authoritarianism is a serious issue, you’re making us all look like a fucking joke.
>>Every protest I've ever been to has featured at least one shirtless guy with feathers in his dreads and a drum, and every god damn time the news cameras inevitably pivot to that one fucking guy. There might have been 10,000 serious people at the protest and that one dip shit ends up being the face of it. Please drum circle Dan, stay home and just send all of your protest energy telepathically.
>This is simultaneously the funniest and cringiest planned event I have ever seen a flyer for.
>>(OP)Opp. Oh yeah. I forgot there's only one religion, and it's only OK to perform blood magic by eating a wine soaked cracker to take in the blood of Jesus. Like, who joins in a group of people to harness collective energy in hopes to make the world a better place?! Fucking crazy people.... Oh hey, you doing anything sunday morning? (Downvoted)
>>>So you see the ridiculousness of Christianity and decide in response you choose a set of beliefs that are just as nutty but will also make you an outcast and then also intertwine those with politics despite the fact that everyone can see the perniciousness of mixing politics and religion when it comes to Christianity?
>How embarrassing! I hate trump. But this is exactly the type of things that right wingers use as propaganda. Pretty much the same thing as If a bunch of right wingers gathered at the capitol to pray the liberals away. Useless nonsense that just makes your side look crazy
>The most unserious people 😂
>>(OP)There is more than one religion. And even the Christians and mormans preform rituals (downvoted)
>None of what you said changes anything about how stupid, ridiculous, and unserious this whole thing is
\ >Who are the mormans?
>“The right is weird!” The left:
Some people support OP
>Lmao I don't care what people think this is great, I'm ready to resort to witchcraft
>>Yeah! It's fun!
>damn shame i'll have to miss it. i'll undertake a small ritual from home to add to the energy
>I’m going to take this in the spirit in which I think it was intended and wish bad vibes on the political plans of the GOP. Not on any of the people of course but I hope their plans to destroy the federal government and institute their corporate-backed authoritarianism fail.
>Oh yeah gonna be so many twinks I hope I find the one for me, I just got a new crystal to put in my wizard walking stick, I’m 55 trans and I just need my wizard jiggles to get out, can I get more details
>Be careful manifesting so close to an eclipse, the energy is chaotic!
>>(OP)releasing old patterns and realigning with your true self is not the same as manifesting with what's currently going on. But yes! That is a good warning for manifesting specifically
>>>Ah makes sense, good luck out there today🤍
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