Amber Heard voices her support for Blake Lively, creating minor flame wars in r/popculturechat
- How do you defend shitting in the bed?
- 'Will you squat in front of the door of the master bedroom and leave a giant coil of dookie so that Amber steps in it and thinks that one of the dogs, primarily Boo, has a major problem. It'll be funny!!!' -Johnny Depp 479 It was always the dog. The dog had a history of doing it with Depp even being in the same bed. Depp wasn't at home and wouldn't be for weeks when it happened, Amber was the main person cleaning up after the dog so if there was shit in their bed, who would suffer from it? The person who was not even at home or the person who regularly cleaned up?
- I’m not defending it as it never happened. It’s literally misinformation. It was clearly their dog. A 30-something woman would not defecate in her own bed (a bed they hadn’t shared for over a month) when Depp had left and would not come back to the apartment. Depp clearly accused her of this because he knew it would be humiliating, which was what he had said he always wanted for her - «global humiliation». Depp is the one with the poop fetish, and he asked his assistant to defecate in front of Heards bedroom door to bother her. And to blame said dog. He also changed witnesses from the poop-incident from the UK trial to the US one, and the judge in the UK wrote about exactly this in his 129 page judgement.
- How do you defend shitting in the bed?
So is everyone pretending now Amber Heard is a victim? Was shitting in the bed somehow also a made up pr campaign? Come on yall. Not everyone is a good person and victim of a pr campaign. Is it so hard to accept both parties might be bad?
- … yes. Her “shitting the bed” was absolutely made up and part of a coordinated smear campaign. Keep up.
- How about punching him, hitting him in the head, taking video of him while he's sleeping to laugh at him later, purposely hiding shit from him to see him get destressed, or throwing bottles directly at his head? What about those?
- … yes. Her “shitting the bed” was absolutely made up and part of a coordinated smear campaign. Keep up.
She was not charged and her ex partner has always claimed it was a misunderstanding when a male (not the lesbian mall cop who lied herself into the US trial) understood that they were lovers and didn’t like that.
Oh please so now you believe the famous misunderstanding excuse. The mental gymnastics to make excuses for her. SMH
I believe what both parties involved said and testified to? And then later said in an official statement about it?
- You probably are a naive fool who takes celebrity PR statements designed solely to protect careers and income at face value. Have a sliver of nuance please.
- (ctnd) Hahahaah irony is dead
- (ctnd) You've made 31 comments in an hour about this. Are you ok?
There’s been two trials, one who handled the abuse and rape allegations directly which Depp lost and one trial about defamation regarding an OP-ED which Depp claims he lost work from, even though he’s been a raging alcoholic on sets for decades. They were both held liable for defaming each other in the US trial. So what exactly do you think you learned by watching the US trial on tiktok?
Just to add:- There were 2 DEFAMATION trials one in UK against The Sun tabloid which he lost and the other in US against AH....
Yes, which is what I’m talking about. The difference is that the defamation trial in the UK handled the specific abuse allegations and the jusge ruled there was enough evidence that he could be called a wife beating rapist. Depp never sued Heard for abuse (which is something his supporters seems to ignore) but for defamation that lost him work.
- Most of Depp’s evidence was blocked inexplicably in the UK trials. Stop pushing the narrative that men can’t be abused
- (ctnd) No it wasn’t. Or else surely during one of his two failed attempts at appealing his legal team would’ve argued that, wouldn’t they? And no one is saying that. Men can be abused, Johnny Depp was not abused. Both those points you just raised are literally PR narratives that this PR team wanted to spread around to deflect from the fact that he was concluded to be a wife beater. Hope that helps.
- (ctnd) It’s quite literally on record that he was abused, said by non other than Amber herself on various recordings. If you can’t admit he was abused, then you don’t believe any man can be abused.
- (ctnd) Another lie from you.
It is lol. People are just allowing their opinions to still be shaped. Amber should not be absolved of everything she did this is absolutely crazy
yeah what amber did was reactive violence. if you've never been in a relationship where you start hitting back to try to stop them trying to kill you it's a hard thing to understand. no one is saying that she literally never laid a hand on him, they're saying that he had all the power in the relationship.
- Just a slight correction here. What Amber did is called “reactive violence” abuse and violence are t the same. Abuse is one party over the other and requires a power imbalance. When you react or participate in the violent dynamic your abuser put you in it’s not abuse. Xo
The Depp v Heard was the most public mismatch on print vs trial. If I ask you if you saw that trial beginning to end and you say yes. You'll come out believing Amber was the abuser. If I ask you if you followed the trial by news headlines, you'll come out believing Depp was the abuser. I went in ready to light the pyre under Depp's feet, after watching that trial, beginning to end, for weeks, I can not conclude anything else but Amber being the aggressor. Not only the aggressor but the liar, being caught in lies, and changing her story over and over. 'Not the perfect victim' is used to defend Heard often, but it applies just the same to Depp.
Did we watch the same trial? WTF? Depp is a textbook abuser, and he was found guilty first in the UK btw, in a trial that wasn't a media and propaganda circus.
Wrong. The UK trial decided that THE SUN (a trash tabloid) could post whatever the fuck they wanted if a credible source told them it was true. Depp didn't get proven to be an abuser, The SUN (not Heard, she was only a witness) could SAY Depp was an abuser and not be guilty of defamation.
Wow. So all of the abuse she committed against him was found fake?
She did not commit any abuse out of the blue here, she reacted to years of abuse, both mentally and physically. The tactic Depp used is called DARVO. You push someone and push someone and when they finally fight back and stand up for themselves the abuser turns around and plays the victim.
Ah I see. That feels a bit different from Angelina/Meghan/Blake and others. Nobody should be abusing anybody :/ but I’m sorry for what happened to her
It’s really not. These women have all tried to stand up for themselves in one way or another (Pitt abused Jolie and their children, Depp abused Heard, Meghan was shot and abused) and when they all did the right thing (divorced them and tried to move on for example) the men wouldn’t let them.
- I hear you. I think the Depp/Heard case is much muddier than the others just seeing the court docs you provided. Muddy meaning — she absolutely was a victim of sustained domestic violence — but also perpetrated some insane shit. So my initial comment was based in curiousity, if the PR firm here in question lied about all of her actions, or if her behavior was just more heavily pushed in press.