“Couldn't manage to keep you shrubbery adequately trimmed. The box is practically obscured you whiny c**t” r/AustraliaPost has a sook over a wet letter

OP posts a photo of a wet letter that has been left halfway out of their letterbox titled “One Job” “Couldn't manage that one more little push to get it out of the rain? Thanks for the soggy postal service.”

The users in r/AustraliaPost think OP is a sook who needs to trim his jasmine bush

Trim the shit around and in front of your letterbox. If you don't give a shit about your mail box don't expect the postie to give a shit about your mail.

If you think that grass is bad and actually stops the postie doing his job then going outside must give you a aneurysm

(OP) This is exactly the opinion that embodies the problem. The postie is PAID to give a shit. So I expect them to give a shit since I'm indirectly funding the service they're providing. Maybe posties need a card they can drop into people's letterboxes if they're difficult to access to educate rather than putting so much effort into externalizing on Reddit.

Auspost loses money on every letter. And auspost costs the taxpayer nothing.

(OP) Ok, so not indirectly funding as tax payer, I'll admit I learned something there. Instead, directly funded by my annual PO Box fee. Now I expect even more. And just losing money on each letter isn't in and of itself a problem - plenty of businesses have loss leading products.

Gratuitous whine. Your letterbox is problematic, especially if your postie has the motorcycle. Imagine being a motorcycle postie on a rainy day. You have to balance the bike so it doesn't slip, injuring yourself, and damaging the bike and property. You have to work quickly to minimise how soggy the letter gets from bag to letterbox. You have to try to get it in the box that is wet (well, who could've guessed??), without further rain damage to the envelope. Then you roll up to the mess that is this letterbox. What a crap day. Would it hurt to do some more gardening, for goodness' sake?

(OP) I've watched posties deliver mail before. They don't have to lean over and balance in any way - the letterbox is easily reachable sitting upright on the bike. I'll snip the one little bit of jasmine that's almost up to the level of the mail slot but don't see how that is really that much of a problem.

i have a large letter box with a very wide slot, big enough to take a magazine. Set at height recommended by AP with nothing near it so postie has clear safe ride up to it. Guess what? In the decades of having that letter box i have never had wet mail or mail left hanging out the slot. Consider this, the postie has to deal with hundreds of letter boxes everyday in all manner of weather and many letter boxes are less than ideal. Up to you how easy or difficult you make it for them.

Ok, no need to brag about your wide slotted, perfect height mailbox

If it's raining do you think the postie wants to make contact with a wet plant. I certainly don't.

If coming in to contact with a wet plant is enough to cause you to have a meltdown, that's just pathetic. Harden tf up lmfao

Who said meltdown. It's just someone not putting the mail in all the way to avoid getting wet due to an overgrown plant. The person having a meltdown is OP is complaining here that their mail is wet. They should harden the fuck up.

Cheap nasty letter box. Not even designed to take letters. Yours truly an ex postie. Like to see an A4 letter go in there😄

(OP) I still fail to see how the inability to put an A4 letter in there impacts upon this instance. That's not an A4 letter. It is entirely big enough for the letter in the photo. But hey, we already seem to have established that any non adherence to the magical criteria nobody knows about absolves posties of that extra second and couple of centimeters of effort. 👍

It's rare that someone's whining makes AusPost look like the Gold guys but here we are. Trim the shit around it - get a bigger mailbox - deal with the fact that shit gets wet when it rains - do better shit with your time than stopping to take a photo and having a self righteous wank on reddit when there is the slightest inconvenience.

Until you've delivered 100s of 1000s of pieces of mail into countless bullshit mailboxes, you don't understand just how much having an extra unnecessary reach for a mailbox that's too low or too high, is a tetanus trap, installed back-to-front, has foliage in the way, is set back an unnecessary distance from the footpath or has mud in front, really pisses off your postie. And then you could have a perfectly decent looking box that just won't accept mail and spits it out when you chuck it in, bouncing off something in the slot. I wish that all shitty mailbox owners would do a week's worth of postie shifts just so they can see how shitty their boxes are. This box of yours could be anywhere from a -1/10 to a 5/10 depending on possible issues from the rant above. It's also on the smaller size of being useful. In other words, your mailbox is barely mediocre at best, and actively shit at worst. As a (presumed) homeowner, YOU only have one job: to make your mailbox accessible, well-maintained, and approriately dimensioned. And you are not doing your job.

Not doing his job? He owns/rents his property. He has no ‘job’ to do except the one he expects of himself with his own home. The postie has a job and they didn’t do it properly - and yet that’s on him? You don’t hear hospitality staff saying “ah well normally most of my customers are right handed, so I won’t be pouring your wine from the other side, sorry.” 😅 what is this thread

Maybe they couldn’t reach it over the shit show around your letter box 🤷‍♂️

(OP) The distance from the end of the rail to the front of the letterbox is less than the length of my forearm and there's nothing at ground level to obstruct further. Do posties have unusually short arms?

Mine does this too. And AustPost harps on about us having locks on our mailboxes. Not much point having a lock if our soggy mail can be pulled out from the front slot.

If you put a lock on your mailbox your lucky to get anything... Aussie post hates locks on mail boxes.

People getting the tiniest and cheapest letterbox in the market then complaining their mail is ruined 🤷🏽‍♂️.

What a weird weird take. The posting could've made a minuscule amount more effort to do their actual job and push the mail all the way in and then it wouldn't be ruined. When I see people like you defending things like this work on the internet, I feel so much better about myself. Because no matter how badly I think of myself, I can never be as much of a jerk as someone like you

Your comments show that your attitude matches the state of your letterbox. Imagine getting on your high horse when you have that sitting in front of your property...

Fuck me there are worse things than wet paper. If we as a society continue to be so entitled about a wet letter we are fucked.

(OP) So where do we draw the line as to where society becomes fucked? Before or after we accept a less than professional outcome from a paid service?