Hello just had some questions about sublocade if anyone can help and tell me about about their stories I would greatly appreciate it.
I’m a 20 year old male started suboxone about 1 1/2 years ago, before Suboxone I was doing percs/oxy for about a year and some change, started off doing it once a week and ended up doing it almost everyday for around 5-6 months (I was doing around 15-30 mg of oxycodone) I realized I had to change and better myself so I ended up seeking help and started my Suboxone journey at 4mg, I felt fine and actually great after starting Suboxone, I had absolutely zero problems, so after maybe 2-3 months of being on 4mg I decided to go down to 2mg, had absolutely zero problems doing that so I stabilized on 2mg for about 4-5 months and decided to keep lowering my does, when I went down to 1 mg Suboxone I did notice I felt a bit uncomfortable but nothing major, I only felt this for about 3-4 days and was fine after, I stayed on 1mg for about another month or 2 and went down to around 0.25-0.5mg of Suboxone, life was going great I was proud of myself and thought I would be able to get off Suboxone with zero to mild withdrawal symptoms, I had a friend that was a bit worse then me, what I mean is he was doing percs, Xanax, and oxy but he was doing way higher doses and was doing it for about 2-3 years, he told me he got on suboxone for about 5-6 months (he was on 10mg of Suboxone) and when he decided to stop Suboxone he only had withdrawals for about 5-6 days and that was it he never looked back. I was super happy for him and told myself if he was able to get off Suboxone at 10mg with mild withdrawals I shouldn’t have no problems at all getting of 0.5 mg (also I forgot to mention that my friend was the reason I got on Suboxone because I seen how well and easy it was for him) anyways after giving it a lot of thought I tired to go COLD TURKEY off Suboxone (I can’t really give u a accurate mg when I went Cold turkey but I could say I was around 0.2-0.5 mg a day, I know for a fact i wasn’t doing more then 0.5mg) the first day was pretty easy nothing to hard to be honest I felt absolutely fine the first day, the withdrawals really started to creep up on me about the 3rd day. It wasn’t too too bad but I was feeling uncomfortable and anxious that was the only withdrawals I was feeling at the moment, things got really bad on day 5, I was at the movies with my girl and I just started freaking out i couldn’t concentrate on anything and my anxiety was crazyyy, I somehow got through the day and after the 5th day I decided to call my dr (day 6) he ended up prescribing me Trazadone for sleep and clonidine for the anxiety, I felt like the clonidine was the worst, I felt like I was in a fog and my vision was a bit blurry I didn’t like it at all. The trazadone in the other hand was a bit helpful, I felt like it did help me go to sleep and just take that anxiety away for the night but not fully. I ended up talking to my doctor again and instead of clonidine he prescribed me with lorazepam, this was the worst decision I think I made for myself, he ended up prescribing me 10 pills of lorazepam on day 8 or 9 I can’t remember, I took a lorazepam because my anxiety was super bad to the point that as soon as I would wake up in the morning I would already be thinking about the withdrawals and I wouldn’t stop thinking about it until night time so basically all day I would have anxiety, my feet and hands would have cold sweats here and there and I was just feeling so down to the point I thought I was depressed and probably was, I was really struggling mentally I just wanted to have this all over with and be normal, I was scared and also I knew lorazepam was a benzo so i didn’t want to get addicted to that to just get off Suboxone that was stupid to me so out of the 10 pills I got prescribed I only took 1 and it didn’t even work on me like that, I was steel feeling bad and tbh I think the lorazepam made my withdrawals worse. On day 12 i couldn’t stand it anymore I felt like absolute shit and couldn’t even think about anything else but how bad I was feeling so at around 8-9 p.m on day 12th I took the smallest bit of Suboxone probably around 0.2-0.3 I made sure to take less then 0.5, after taking it I still felt a little bit of anxiety but it was very controllable at that point, after that I started taking 0.3 mg everyday again until I talked to my doctor again on what other options i can do to get off Suboxone, I started doing research and came across SUBLOCADE I heard great stories about people getting off Suboxone after taking one shot or maybe a couple, I heard you get very minimal withdrawals or no withdrawals at all, this was very exciting to hear so I talked to my doctor about it and at first he didn’t want to do it because I was at such a low does of Suboxone but after talking to him and telling him about my experience he decided to give me 2mg Suboxone for 10 days so I can stabilize on that and be able to do the shot (100mg) I feel like 300 mg would be too much for me. So I started taking 2mg suboxone again even tho I was iffy at first because I was at such a low dose and going back up just feels like I’m taking a step back, I realized tho it’s for the best and hopefully with this shot I would finally be over with all this shit, I’m on day 3 of taking 2mg again I feel much better now (of course) but I just wanted to hear other people stories and if anyone else had good results of sublocade, I get my shot in exactly one week, I’m a bit scared but I’m trying to keep a positive mindset and hopefully after maybe 1 shot or 2 I could finally be free, I also heard that it works better for people on lower doses of Suboxone is this true? If anyone can share there stories I would really appreciate it, I find it calming knowing other people were on the same boat as me and got off with zero to little no withdrawals, I do wanna say that for me it’s really all my mind beacuse I never really experienced any physical withdrawals, a lot of people say they had problems sleeping for days, restless legs, felt sick, cold and hot flashes but tbh I never felt anything like this, the most “physical”withdrawals I felt was my stomach was a bit messed up and I had diarrhea for maybe 2 days max but my only heavy and noticeable withdrawals were anxiety and I guess craving for the Suboxone to just feel better, anyways I would keep you guys updated on how my shot goes, thanks for listening and hope the best for anyone going through this we got this ❤️