Supplimenting with 2-4mg strip after last shot?

Hey guys. So I got my last 300 shot about two months ago. (Edit--I got two shots in total. One 300 in Dec and 1 300 in January) Was doing great, felt positive about getting off all this stuff. (I've been off street drugs from 7.5 years and have no cravings and low risk of relapse)... The last week or so though I've been pretty anxious and more so than anything have zero energy and am always tired. Because I work full time and have a life, it's hard to just grit thru that. I'm wondering if anyone has, after a couple months tried taking 2-4 mg on a random day or two to sorta ease the detoxification process... Not saying I would ever want to just go backwards and take a strip every day but maybe once in a blue until this stuff is officially out of me? I don't really feel like that would completly undo my process of getting off this stuff as sublocsde stays in your system so long. It doesn't feel like it would had I been off bupe for a few years and than took one but I'm just looking for similar experiences. I know some may say it's not a good move, or it's regressive and I'm not thrilled about it, but I also am all for whatever could make the entire process go more smoothly.