8 & a half months off my 2nd/last 300 mg update/question
i started feeling minor wd around the 5 month mark.. sweating, stomach & sleep issues. The sleep & stomach issues have been on & off but are currently back with vengeance.. the only thing that hasn’t let up AT ALL that’s really driving me nuts tho is the sweating.. i’ve had horrible cold sweats that have only gotten worse since it started & it bothers me about 90% of everyday. I made a post about it a month ago to confirm that other ppl experienced this but now i wanna ask the ppl who are further than me along… how long did it last for you? I should have 2 months max worth of bupe left in my body based on the half life & i’m manifesting it stops by then😭😭 also is there anything i can do to speed up the process or mask it besides meds? I’ve been smoking so much weed honestly i’ve spent $2k in the past few months on it which isn’t bad but isn’t ideal either cuz i’m poor