Got the sublicade shot yesterday!

I’ve been taking Suboxone for 5 years at 2 strips a day by the end. I quit cold turkey 3 times. The first time was a lower dosage but still pretty tough. The second time I was up to 1 strip a day and dealt with sweats nausea restless legs anxiety and a bunch of other symptoms for months- the shock to my body also made a lot of my hair fall out! I was so stupid both of those times because I started back up before I even hit 90 days. The last time I was up to 2 strips per day and the withdrawals were unbelievable and I immediately backed out. There were involuntary movements happening and all the usual other things but I could tell this one was so much worse than anything I’ve experience to date. I had to change doctors and advocate for myself a ton which is very hard for me to do. But Yesterday I finally got the sublicade shot! I’m super excited to quit and be done with this horrible addiction. Has anyone else got their first shot recently? I would love to connect just to chat and share support. I would also love to hear others experiences like how many shots they got? How many mg? How long were you on subs? How long were you on subs and what dosage? What was your experience? What was your experience? I think it will help me to post here and stay accountable and motivated. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies or messages me privately!