Subliminal healed my PARALYSIS and reversed nerve damage
Ok so quick backstory. About a year ago I randomly woke up without being able to speak, drink or eat. Went to my doctor and he quickly realize what I had and turned out I had vocal cords paralysis. My left vocal cord was completely stuck open and my right one was barely working due to my nerves getting damaged. (I still don't know how they got damaged to this day). I got so many different medical treatments and medicines without any results. Still couldn't speak and barely eat. The thing is I only had a few options left, them being either surgery or injections in my vocal cords. And I truly didn't want to have to undergo a surgery cause that surgery is really scary and irreversible, and injections are just too much for the little change they can make. A few months passed without any improvement and I was starting to lose hope that I'll ever get my voice back. I was still only talking by whispering cause that was the loudest I was able to speak. Then I finally decided to start using subliminal. The thing is there are zero subliminals for vocal cords paralysis, so I decided to make my own. Made a few that didn't work for me but then I finally found out what worked for me. Only one aff: "my vocal cords can open and close perfectly well" barely sped up, repeated and only layered once. And in about a week, literally just a week, my paralysis was GONE. Completly gone. So I had 6+ months with full paralysis and zero improvement and sundently got my voice back. And I still have my voice to this day without any issues since then. I genuinely needed to share those results because we always see results for appearance changes but it's such a big achievement to heal literal paralysis with subliminal. Like this is crazy and truly strengthen my faith in subliminal. Anyway just wanted to share my story because being able to heal paralysis is no joke.