Y'all I had to download the doc since reddit wouldnt lemme upload the content? Anyways, enjoy !!! Yes, you can get your dream-face: And this is how. Okay, I'll try to be as brief as possible, but I came up with an idea and I want to share it with the reddit surfers. If there is one thing I have discovered with minimal investment in medicine and the human body research, it is that it is EXTREMELY flexible. By this, I mean that our body can adapt to extreme changes such as changing all the facial features in order to achieve the estimated results: And this conclusion is easy to reach with minimal notion of the behavior of our body.

-For example; the female body, and human anatomy, is able to move all its organs to literally develop a new living being. I rarely hear about how crazy it seems to me because a human with all its capabilities is formed from the same organism.

-Another example; the texture of hair, and skin, can be drastically altered by a hormonal change.

These two examples are just ways of trying to help you visualize that our body is constantly changing, there are thousands of people who from the transition between adulthood and childhood are physically unrecognizable because their different structures are extremely flexible to change. And if you think about it, all those changes that are made automatically due to certain conditions, can be recreated since your body is certainly already habituated to it. Like growing, putting on weight, changing pigments in your hair or iris, melanin level, among countless anomalies that our body performs daily. We can even see the ability to recreate changes in our body as with the “placebo effect” after the conviction of having contracted a disease and end up developing it or cell multiplications (cancer) that appear.

By pointing out all these examples I try to expose the wide capacity that our body, and therefore each one of us as an individual, has to change. Therefore, what is the difficulty of doing it in our favor? All these changes occur because of a stimulus sent to our systems from the brain, which executes the supreme control over our body. If we stimulate correctly the determined area of the brain we can make changes that will transform us leaving all the physical barriers that we could have behind, because of the flexibility that we have to change.

Subliminal audios are in charge of stimulating the subconscious; because this part of the brain takes in all the information simultaneously and retains it, unlike the conscious, apart from the fact that the information is processed but not rejected as such (as the conscious would do due to limiting thoughts and because our subconscious is much more prone to be influenced-manipulated) so acting with this side of the brain gives us the ability to take advantage of this “flexibility”. NOW, the reason you may not get results, as fast as you “should” and sufficiently empowered is due to several factors:

-Your ability for your subconscious to be manipulated (it has been found that the internalized attitude of not obeying external orders makes it difficult to execute the affirmations in subliminal audios).

-The level of flexibility of change that your body has.

-THE TECHNIQUE USED: Even though there is already a considerable notion of the use of sa (subliminal audios), evidently each brain has to be stimulated in a different way because each brain reacts (as far as possible) in a unique way. To arrive at this technique, I came to the following possibility:

Shifting to our subconscious: Those lacks should be fulfilled by certain stimuli that our subconscious knows completely. If we shifted to a reality in which our subconscious functioning under a subliminal influence is represented in books of information, we could study them and arrive at the technique that would work best for each of us. Apart from incredibly reinforcing the confidence in subliminals due to having understood them in a more methodological way. That is, if we shifted to a dr in which we have access to medical documents about the audios, and to our own subconscious with the previous representation. Reaching such a reality only consists of intention, after all that part of (you) you know it, just not consciously, and interpreting it in another reality can give us a more personal view of what works best and worst for us to exploit our potential. So yes, in a matter of less than 8 months you can change everything about yourself to be physically who you want to be.

If you have any point of view to share, or any doubt, let me know so I can get in touch. XO