IYO. What's the difference between (1) speaking on auto-pilot, and (2) speaking by relying on automatic processes? Food for thought towards progress in stuttering remission!
I think we can all agree that speaking on auto-pilot ≠ automatic processes.
Consider this -if we stop thinking, and start speaking on auto-pilot, our brain will still subconsciously repond to anticipation, fear of social rejection, communication failure (and trigger the approach-avoidance conflict) etc - even if you are not consciously aware of them, resulting in: We may continue speaking when the basal ganglia say no, we may rely on controlled speech, tension, or secondaries. I think it's essentially a phase further away from stuttering remission.
Question: What do you think is the difference between autopilot speech and speaking by completely relying on automatic processes?
Of course, if both stutterers and non-stutterers are sitting quietly without speaking, we're doing nothing. To begin speaking, we must first engage in some action to trigger the automatic processes. If I hadn't pointed this out, all people present here might have believed that speech execution requires no action. But that seems to be far from the truth
Let's start the discussion!