Does your stutter affect your work job?
I'm a 17 years old wanting to do a part time job like a cashier or in a retail store that can earn me some good bucks to get ahead in life.
Here's the thing, I'm at a point where my close friends/parents and I have accepted my stutter and I can stutter without any worries around them. But it is the complete opposite with every strangers I know or someone I'm not closed to. It's like my stutter just hit me 100x into my consciousness very time I opened my mouth. This caused me to ditch myself away from my old friend group and prevent myself from thriving in my school curriculum activities.
But I want to change that, I want to be a very friendly and a down to earth person that everyone can interact with. Through this, I hope that I will not worry as much as my stutter pretty much anytime and everywhere. Let's say stutter during a job. I don't know why but every time I think of working with a stutter, I just feel like I would get fired immediately. Imagine wanting to convey a message from your boss to everyone or communicate with the team on solving multiple problems but every time I speak, it just seems like I'm malfunctioning or they will think I'm just wasting their time while trying to say the word I want to say. I'm scared that I will not succeed in life due to this thing that I can't control.
After a LONG introduction, this is what I wanted to ask.
Did stuttering affect your work life? If so, how hard did it affect you? How often do you get complains, get scolded and be make fun of by your peers and boss? Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it!