i’m killing it!

i started student teaching high school 6 weeks ago and i am super proud of myself. i went into this thinking i’d never want to teach high school (i am getting a k-12 art license so i can choose), but i am finding this so fun. i’ve gotten students that my CT told me would never do anything not only doing stuff, but actually excited about art!! i had my first observation a few weeks ago and my prof and ct said their only note for me was that i should have a closing activity and that i’m doing an amazing job.

i have students coming in during their free periods to make jewelry with me! i told a few students i was leaving soon for my elementary placement and they told me they wanted me to stay forever and got genuinely sad (and this isn’t even a case of them hating my ct- they really love her, being able to take over the class of someone so beloved, and have students enjoy it, and not complain that they don’t have their fav teacher is also a huge win for me).

i am just really proud of myself! especially because of how much stress and pressure i’ve been under (working a full time unpaid job and a minimum wage job when you have to pay rent and have no financial support is no joke). sorry this post is probably stupid but i have no social life or people to talk to (thanks schedule) about this and i wanted to share my excitement with someone.

edit: omg y’all thank you so much for the support :’) i felt so silly posting this i really appreciate all the kindness