Feeling proud of myself but wondering if my grades won’t translate to clinical.

I’m in my second semester of my ABSN program, and so far I’ve done really well. Had a 4.0 my first semester and now I’ve made ~95%s on my first couple tests of this semester. I’m really proud of myself but i’m worried about my clinical skills. I feel behind clinically because my first rotation was in the NICU. I basically did no skills other than I/Os, weights, and feedings.

Now my clinical rotation is in the ER and I’m feeling like I’ve never done anything before. My preceptor is great but she moves super fast! I have to basically sprint after her. I feel bad because I just have such limited experience with skills and with adults. I feel like I’m too quiet in my shifts and I just sort of watch. I try my best to ask questions and learn but I just feel like I don’t know enough to be graduating in 6 months.