I’m not letting this ruin my mental
I’ve been extremely stressed over my federal (28k) and private loans (48k)but I know what I need to do (on the private standpoint) now to fix some of my situation. Got my credit up to a good score, kept on time with payments (working 6am to 8pm is killing me slightly tho lol) and have a job interview lined up for next week!
Hoping to land this job because it will boost my income hopefully helping me finally get my private loans out of Sallie Mae. Hoping things are looking up for me. Wish me luck and any advice would be wonderful! Been saving everything I can in my savings and plan on tackling my smallest debts in my private loans first once I’m able to and work up the rest.
Now the federal loans I’m seeing it as I’ll take it day by day. This administration doesn’t know shit on what it’s doing and I’m tired of arguing with its followers about why affordable payment plans are needed. I’m just gonna keep working on my situation and not stress as much as I can. Hopefully gonna land this job and maybe look into night school for becoming a paramedic or something along those lines.
I’m only posting this to kinda show despite all the shit we have to deal with because of incompetent people in our government that we are in this together and can get through this 🫶 just gotta keep pushing along and not let this get you down