TPD Loan Discharge - Approved - Timeline
First off Praise be to Jehovah/Yahweh
I wanted to share this news. So excited (Kevin Hart voice) - Hopefully, this post helps somebody.
*I applied using a doctor's notice and sent three pieces of evidence from previous years evidencing my disability. A Physician alongside a specialist. The physician who filled it out left some blank slots that did not apply to me but I assume all the evidence I sent in nullified any worries or concerns they might have had.
**I only sent in one application.
File sent in to StudentAid / TPD DoED November 18, 2023
Nelnet / TPD DoED received the file on November 21, 2023
The file changed to under review on December 4, 2023
The file changed to pending final review on December 14, 2023
The file was approved on January 4, 2023
Status changed to TPD Indefinite Admin Forb. on December 12, 2023
*As of now loans still show on Nelnet, and an outstanding balance alongside the accrued interest but I am assuming that will change in due time. It was approved today so I was not expecting the change to happen on both platforms at the same time. If it does not change in a month, I'll call and ask.
Hope this post helps somebody going through this process.