Stremio & Google TV Setup
I’m the type of nerd who loves finding new useful stuff and then showing my friends and family how good it is. Since then I’ve set up probably 15 boxes for friends and family and I still find joy in learning new tips to make it more user friendly for the elderly or new apps to make Google TV more user friendly for them. Stremio is great. Currently I’m using Torrento and CyberFlix.
For my Google TV setup -I use ABDTV to disable to google tv and setup wizard - use FLauncher primary. -TVquickactions to map netflix and youtube buttons to Stremio and Smarttube Beta. -TDUK cache cleaner on every box. -IPTV I use sparkle player and a 500GB HDD for DVR for my mom and grandparents box.
Looks something like this. Attached pictures of home screen and sparkle player. Not sure if this is the right place to post or helpful for anyone.