Angrybird thinks Mai is Best in the game now?
Xiaohai also stated he thinks Mai is potential Top3 so take that as you will roo
Man it seemed weeks ago many Western players and big names were calling her mediocre or week. But Top 1? Comparable to SF5 Luke? lol that's a bit of a stretch. Unless this is like more 4D chess Ken downplay lol
But yeah Mai hasn't had the chance to get results. She was not going to be used at Capcom Cup much even if she was considered Akuma/Bison level good out of the gate. The participants did not likey want to risk using a character they were not fully familiar with considering 1 Mil was on the line.
We'll see with the Elena/S3 patch but recent DLC characters rarely get much changes those first patch.
Xiaohai also stated he thinks Mai is potential Top3 so take that as you will roo
Man it seemed weeks ago many Western players and big names were calling her mediocre or week. But Top 1? Comparable to SF5 Luke? lol that's a bit of a stretch. Unless this is like more 4D chess Ken downplay lol
But yeah Mai hasn't had the chance to get results. She was not going to be used at Capcom Cup much even if she was considered Akuma/Bison level good out of the gate. The participants did not likey want to risk using a character they were not fully familiar with considering 1 Mil was on the line.
We'll see with the Elena/S3 patch but recent DLC characters rarely get much changes those first patch.