So.. I became easily tilted and I need advices..

All I know is, no matter how scrubby the game is (because it is, as fun as the game is, it's objectively a scrubby one) it's always on me for losing and will always be my fault.

Thing is, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in this game is a guess. I can be "fine" with it but, what tilts me the most is the throw loops.

Specially coming from people that don't know how to combo, so they will abuse it. And they are absolutely right doing it as I keep eating them like I'm doing some mukbang.

But, how in hell do I stop being so mad and salty man.. I'm tired of fighting the same Akuma or Ken going full ham and, I'm trying so hard to not be a scrub and blame anyone but myself, BUT, seriously ranked is really toxic. In a way where you can feel some people would sell their soul just for a win..

What should I do, please. I love this game, it's the funniest one, but there's so many "encouragement" towards scrubby gameplay above "fair and honest" aah game, and that's getting very demoralising for me as I try to learn how to play properly my neutrals etc..