Shroud's real aim versus his aimbot (which probably costs more than your car)

  1. His real aim versus a slow moving orb with a bow while completely stationary (Shroud says: "watch this" and holds his breath as he takes the shot making a gasping noise). Notice Shroud's aim is in bracketed movements. Nothing in his natural aim is fluid keeping time with the moving orb.
  2. His aimbot in combat against fast moving players with a bow
  3. His aimbot again in combat against a target easily three times the distance and much smaller than the orb. No gasp. Just instant accuracy the second he draws back the bow, even while mid air flying at a high rate of speed.
  4. BLATANT WARNING: His aimbot again in combat. Near the end of the clip, watch how his bow targets the zipliner that comes into his view from the right side of his screen into the middle. An awkward snap that glitches his aim happens. It's pulling his aim off one target he was fighting with over to another, only for him to then track back to where he was originally aiming. Watch how his tracking is perfectly fluid after the snap. No bracketed movement.

Please, don't attack me. Discuss the videos or move on to the next thread. If you're unable to consider the possibility a millionaire got rich off cheating his way to the top as a streamer and duped the public at large in the process, then this thread isn't for you.

all clips are from the same video uploaded September 29th here:SHROUD APEX LEGENDS Random Squads (Part 1) - YouTube