Why does Navani badmouth Elhokar so much

Rereading TWOK and Navani keeps dissing Elhokar unprompted, saying he’s a bad king. Dalinar says that he trusts sadeas not to act against Elhokar, and she just responds “Because he is a weakling”

Yikes your mom talking to your family about you like that is nuts and seems weird when the nearest analog Renarin gets protected from similarly cruel barbs from everyone else.

There are plenty of examples of Elhokar acting less than weak, like hiring Midias/Hoid to be his Wit despite his unpopularity, like how he originally sent envoys to the parshendi to try to gain knowledge, how he listens to his capable family advisors, and the way he counterbalances his high princes against one another. It’s not ethical, but he did foster a system that enabled him to achieve a profitable war strategy that held popularly while he sought the goal of the vengeance pact.

Is there a reason Navani acts this way towards Elhokar? Does she resent Gavilar’s pursuit of strength? Does she do it to strike a contrast with Dalinar’s steadfastness or Jasnah’s force of will?

Edit: please—stop saying read on if you don’t even read the identical comments I answered already saying I have read them all. The first word of my post is “Rereading”

This post is about The Way Of Kings note the flair, and go back to WaT or cosmere threads if you can’t compartmentalize—please!

Everyone else—thank you for your takes!