Can Smelling Salts disrupt autistic shutdown/cravings?
Hi everyone,
I recently had a really unique experience, and I'm curious if anyone else has encountered something similar.
Context: I’m autistic/AdhD and currently working through meth addiction, which has been an uphill battle as of late. I used everyday in lockdown then had a year sober before relapsing 18 months ago and containing it to a weekly dreaded occurence. Im now about to go to rehab in 3 days (im very grateful!)
So tonight, I had an intense craving episode. A voice in my head was screaming, “I want to get high!”—it felt like an adult part of me was desperate for relief and defiant of the restraints i entomb myself in, while my inner child was crying intensely.
It was overwhelming, and I noticed I had fallen into what I recognize as an autistic shutdown. My thoughts were slow and i had flat affect in my speech and could barely speak tbh, and it felt like I was walking through syrup. It felt inevitable i would use - like i was sleep walking into it.
While all of this was happening, I dyed my hair to distract myself, and the strong ammonia smell from the dye suddenly jolted me awake. It was like flipping a switch—I could suddenly think clearly, my speech returned to normal, and the heavy fog I was in just lifted. My inner child also stopped crying and the adult voice stopped yelling at me to use.
This was such a dramatic turnaround that I started wondering if smelling salts (which also contain ammonia) could be a helpful tool for me in managing shutdowns or intense cravings.
Has anyone else used smelling salts for something similar? Did they help with autistic shutdowns, intense emotions, or even cravings? I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences.
Thanks in advance for any insights! 😊