completely fucking done with competitive games. especially league. all fps games too. back to simulators and emulating snes games. anyone else have league be their breaking point?

so i was just playing lol as a support and it just came through to me that there's zero fucking reason to be playing this game. im gold and struggling and getting so angry, being perma gold unable to climb. but then what? what if i get plat? or even diamond or emerald? what then? im never gonna be able to get better than that given ive been stuck on the same rank for years. what if i even fucking reach master? how does that help anything? does it make me money? will people around me be impressed im a good rank at a video game? boost my status? i get slightly more credibility when talking about league but lets admit it, nobody in real life likes league besides their storytelling and its extremely unpopular mass appeal wise. its just so fucking gross, ive spent a few hundo on it total but im just completely done with it. there's literally zero reason to keep going its fun SOMETIMES but the time sink of HOURS on end just isnt justifying it.

games are meant to be FUN. so thats why im going back to simulator games like farming simulator or supermarket simulator or booting up the emulator to play old school games that may actually make me happy. probably not though. im thinking of it and im probably just gonna be stuck on some levels or some shit like that and drop it so i might not even bother with even that. so simulator games i guess, which is literally just real life on a screen

i always say im done but im actually done. its a cycle that exists for no reason. im really getting into drawing and practicing my art so i guess ill spend more time on that as a hobby. maybe some more meditation. without league a few HOURS each day is now free. im not even sure i want to play story games because those seem really time consuming too for no reason.

maybe ill play the occasional game of among us if all my friends really want me on, or if Half Life 3 comes out, but besides that, fuck gaming. hobby where you dump thousands of hours in it and you gain nothing tangible at ALL in the physical realm.


edit: just to see, i went on time wasted on lol (the site) and it says i've spent over 800 hours total on this fucking game. lmao. great. all that just to waste my time. the opportunity costs too. fuck