Meditations from Marcus Aurelius didn't really do it for me.
So I bought, read, and finished Meditations (Gregory Hays translation). I had quite a hard time finishing it, especially when I neared the end. Meditations is praised as 'the perfect guide to stoicism," but to be blunt, it's too vague and personal to get any significant wisdom out of at relative ease in my opinion. The paragraphs are short to the point where you forgot what the last one was about when you start with the next. This rapid fire information shoved on to your plate makes it hard to absorb the information thrown at you. I'm not saying it's bad, by al means, there is loads of insightful text. It's just not that accessable and easy to pick up. This makes it more of a book you heavily need to study for it to be usefull rather than a book you can pick up if you have not much to do and are eager to relax and learn something on the way. Maybe I read it wrong, and I should have been taking notes whenever I could or read something insightfull. Or maybe this way of rapid fire information is just not for me and i'd rather be eased into the books writing, with something more of a steady flow. I'd like to hear your thoughts and book recommendations :).