How do Stoics stay unbothered when facing hate and negativity?
I (F25) have been receiving lots of negative and hate comments. I don't know anything about Stoicism except for the part that Stoics stay firm during hardships so I came here. I've been a freelance model since last year and lately I've been receiving hurtful comments on how I look. I've been called fake, a slut and other things just because some people don't like me.
If I post an unpopular opinion I'm bombarded with extremely rude comments. If I oppose a popular political belief, some of them come up with death threats. I tried defending a religious friend and she and me we both received some heartbreaking insults. I have a friend who most definitely hates me for a reason I don't even know, she jabs me in various ways and almost always tries to put me down.
I'm done with being hurt and going through all the drama. I once spent an entire day being sad and hurt after someone insulted me in a way I cannot express here. I know people won't stop, but I can't let them stop me. So I need guidance to become strong and thick-skinned.