Need help choosing a amp!
Looking to buy an amplifier/receiver to basically just run 2 speakers (JVC SX-105) trough it, the amp will be connected to my TV which I'm sitting approx 2 meters from. My max budget is 75 euros, Netherlands.
I've already found a bunch of amps but since this ain't something I'm really deep into so Imma ask y'all with all your knowledge and wisdom; which one(s) would you recommend? I placed < on the ones I really like.
Hard to make a choice, don't really know a lot ab this stuff idk if older == better or if it's better to not get something before or after a certain year etc.
Denon PMA-710 <
Pioneer A-209R
Technics SU-800
Technics SU-V4A <
Toshiba SA-400
Arcam Alpha (the one with the "armor plates")
Kenwood KR-3130
Kenwood ka 1500 <
Onkyo Integra A8015