Ship Disappearance
[Xbox] [Modded] So I know this has been an issue in the past (months to a year or so ago) with ships disappearing from your fleet. I have seen that most of them are stolen and re registered ships. The issue I am having, is I bought a ship from a ship technician, multiple times, and rebuilt it to my liking from the ground up. After playing for some time with said ship, I will swap to a different one or build a new one. However the previous ship will now be missing from my fleet. For example, I had 5 ships, swapped ships, fast traveled somewhere, came back, and I now have 4 ships in my fleet. Sometimes I do not mind as it challenges me to create better ones. Although I am using Fleet Commander, or whatever that mod is that allows 3-4 ships to travel with you, and would love to keep my multi hour long ships with me.
Final questions, why are my ships disappearing? Is it a mod that’s conflicting with the game? Is there a fix for it?
Edit. Upon going into ship building I am receiving the “Ship Builder tutorial” giving you the rundown on what you can and cannot do, as if it’s my first time doing so.
Mind you I have a few hundred hours into Starfield