Jojo ruined my taste in men.
I'm a girl who's been a big jojo fan for numerous years and recently i've been trying to date and i'm a little disappointed that you don't encounter beautiful men anywhere...
where's the makeup? the flowy hair?? the skin-tight clothing?!
it's honestly disappointing. i don't want hairy men with beards and short hair. i want a fucking metrosexual!!!! but i can't have one!!!
my ideal man would be bucciarati. he's a good leader, pretty like a girl, strong willed and has a nice rack. he also puts effort into his appearance, something straight men of my age don't commonly do...i'm so starved for beautiful men that whenever i see a man around my age with long hair (rare where i live) i internally celebrate.
sorry if this comes under "low effort posting" but I feel so strongly about this and i imagine others do too.