How am I doing??
Hi, this will be all over the place, but I just started playing this game like 2 weeks ago, in my game it is year 1 fall 16 (day of the Fair). I am very much enjoying this game, but the farming? Kinda not my vibe. I’m less interested in the farming aspect and more interested in fishing, honestly. Is that okay? Also, relationship-wise I’m pursuing Elliot mainly, but ive got similar hearts with 1-2 others (but he’s on top). I’ve given him a Lobster, coffee, etc. but what’s weird is the fortune teller said something about me and Elliot on a beach and we look like good friends… has anyone else gotten that from her? Good sign? Anyways, I just wonder if I’m making any major “mistakes” or fumbling fundamental concepts ? I try to do the quests but there’s so many and they are so random. I do donate a ton to the museum though, I think I’ve given them like 15 items already. What do you guys think from what you see? Any tips are appreciated!