Theory about the maps
Context: So, in Episode 4, when they get to the end, they are in the map room and (very predictably) of course, the map co-ordinates to At Attin are the only one of the "At Planets" that's blasted clean off its support pylon and illegible.
Sidenote: SM-33 being the one who destroyed it is a nice touch.
My theory on the maps: Since we've already seen some cool easter eggs (Neel watching the alien circus from the Holiday Special was an excellent "hidden treasure" 😂) , it gave me an idea about a callback to KOTOR which I think would be pretty cool, and might not be too far off from what actually happens. In KOTOR 1, Revan has to go to all the planets with busted star charts to eventually get all the pieces of the map to find the Rakatan home planet and the Star Forge. My guess is, the kids will have to do the same thing, and here's why - - The pirate captain was clearly forward thinking enough to blast the map on the planet they're on to bits, and also program SM-33 to kill anyone who came looking - Since he did it on this planet, and it has maps to all the other planets, each one of these networked planets must have a similar room (Neel basically confirmed as much when he said the supervisor tower looked similar to the one on At Attin) - A small piece of the co-ordinates are still legible on the plaque for At Attin - There are at least 5 other planets in that map room that still DO have legible co-ordinates
Hence it only makes sense that some combination of hacking SM-33's memory, + visiting 1 or more of these other planets and combining recorded images of unblasted chunks, will lead them home.
Other examples of "find the map" subplots in Star Wars (besides the KOTOR example)
- Everyone tries to find the map to Luke Skywalker in TFA
- Rey trying to find the holocron to Exegol in TROS
- Obi-Wan trying to find Kamino when it's been deleted from the Jedi archive memory
- Rogue One's journey to get the map of the Death Star
It also just makes sense for them to go this route.
Also, when they finally get back there, I think something bad will have happened to the planet - my guess is, Season 1 will end with us in low orbit above At Attin. Simply because, - it's a good Cliffhanger that they could also end on entirely, if the show doesn't get renewed - there are multiple directions they could go in after Season 1, provided it gets a renewal
How I'd like to see Season 2 start: Right before they land, Starkiller Base drops out of hyperspace into low orbit, shows up to blast At Attin out of the sky, and then the kids and the ship will become part of the Resistance. They then spend season 2 on the hunt for some artifact or map, that would be helpful to the Resistance's war effort.