Thanks to the community!

Thanks to whole community here for helping out with the platinum! Loads of great tips and tricks on this subreddit!

It was an enjoyable platinum in 99 hours. Except the "Punching up" trophy is very finicky and didn't pop when I thought it should have. I had to end up finding and destroying the four ships again (but I lowered the difficulty this time) but it eventually did pop! Most difficult trophy for sure purely because the ships don't always spawn.

"There is no try" should have been a silver trophy. Legit took 5 hours to get that on the PS5. Is it really easier on PC?

Thanks to whole community here for helping out with the platinum! Loads of great tips and tricks on this subreddit!

It was an enjoyable platinum in 99 hours. Except the "Punching up" trophy is very finicky and didn't pop when I thought it should have. I had to end up finding and destroying the four ships again (but I lowered the difficulty this time) but it eventually did pop! Most difficult trophy for sure purely because the ships don't always spawn.

"There is no try" should have been a silver trophy. Legit took 5 hours to get that on the PS5. Is it really easier on PC?