Is Anyone Else's Speeder, Uh... Homicidal?

Like maybe I should talk to somebody because this probably sounds crazy, but I swear my Kay's speeder is constantly trying to kill her. About half the time I summon it, it'll chase Kay down like a homing missile at full speed. Most of the time it stops just before ramming her, but sometimes it doesn't just often enough to be concerning. Just to be clear, Kay's unmanned speeder has run into her and nearly killed her several times. Oh, and most suspiciously, sometimes I'll summon it, it'll sit there until I get close, and then it'll take off in a random direction when I'm about to mount up. Like your dickhead friend who would scoot the car forward a little every time you were about grab the door-handle to get in.

Also, I was kinda putzing around Toshara just now, doing some random quests and exploration, generally having fun. It... It did something new. So I get off to go explore a suspected Holodisk location, and then Speeder moved on his own, like a good 30 seconds after I had gotten off. He flew toward me and then veered to the left, completing two loops and shooting back the way we had came.

So that's why I wrote this post. To see if Speeder is acting weird for anyone else. I'm scared, guys. It's like he's getting smarter the longer I play, testing boundaries, becoming more insidious. Should I do something before it's too late?