Is Starkiller really too op to be canon?
Everytime I see a post talking about Galen, the first thing everybody says is that he is too op to be canon. Let's think about it really: 1. He was trained by Darth Vader, who is considered one of the most powerful characters ever. 2. People don't seem to know that outside of the movies, the force is stupid op. There are so many feats and powers that they make the movies look lame by comparison. You all know Nihilus, Bane, the sith emporer, Exar Kun etc. I once saw a high republic jedi open up a black hole. 3. He was technically killed by the Emporer at the end of the first game, so I think his level of power is perfectly reasonable. These are just my arguments though, I'm curious what you all think.
Everytime I see a post talking about Galen, the first thing everybody says is that he is too op to be canon. Let's think about it really: 1. He was trained by Darth Vader, who is considered one of the most powerful characters ever. 2. People don't seem to know that outside of the movies, the force is stupid op. There are so many feats and powers that they make the movies look lame by comparison. You all know Nihilus, Bane, the sith emporer, Exar Kun etc. I once saw a high republic jedi open up a black hole. 3. He was technically killed by the Emporer at the end of the first game, so I think his level of power is perfectly reasonable. These are just my arguments though, I'm curious what you all think.