Why the far right hates Bill Burr now
Why the far right hates Bill Burr now [The Rubesletter]:
The real problem these guys have is Burr doesn’t play by the rules of the algorithm. Tribal politics may get these guys clicks/subscribers, but it’s a yawn. We all know where guys like Kirk and Shapiro are going. Burr’s mission is to be funny, interesting, and surprising. It’s the opposite of partisan hackery and audience capture.
Great comedians aim to point out BS wherever they see it. It ain’t about acting like a tribalist sheep who strictly follows party lines. We shouldn’t already know exactly where you’re going. That’s why preach-to-the-choir political comedy ain’t funny. There’s no twist.
Online pundits may profit from telling fans exactly what they want to hear, but Burr’s bread and butter is surprising his fans. He makes art while these pundits churn out clickbait.
Burr’s gone to therapy, takes psychedelics, makes art, married a confident woman who speaks her mind, and continually works to manage his anger issues. It’s no wonder so many of these hateful bros have turned on him. His path is the antidote to the toxic masculinity they embody.