Biggest "What could have been" wrestler that could've been a bigger star?

Who's the biggest what could have been wrestler? Someone that either could've or should've been a bigger star than they were and never reached their full potential for one reason or another.

He's definitely not the biggest, but one that comes to mind for me, just because of the career he was supposed to have, is Mr. Kennedy. It's crazy how much bad luck can completely impact your career.

This guy was supposed to be the next big break out star of the company. He won money in the bank and was supposed to cash in on the Undertaker and become the world champion, then he got a misdiagnosed Tricep injury and lost his briefcase and push to Edge. Later that summer, he was supposed to be involved in the original Vince McMahon Illegitimate son story and get a push from that and be the next top heel and gain control of the company and feud with Triple H, but then got suspended as part of the signature pharmacy scandal.

Within the span of 3 months, bad timing and bad decisions caused his career trajectory to get completely derailed and never recovered.

Who are some wrestling stars or personalities that you think had more potential and could've been bigger stars had things gone differently?