Why is every veterinarian in this town so absolutely worthless
So I posted asking about good vets in Spokane a few weeks back. Garland seemed to be the most common, so I made an appointment. I took time off work to take my cat down there. I get there and they have no record of my appointment... They call someone else over, who informs me that I never paid the deposit. I'm sorry, the what??? I have never had to put down a goddamn deposit to make an appointment, anywhere. "Well, we would have texted it to you". I got one text from them reminding me of my appointment in 3 days. Absolutely nothing in that message says ANYTHING about a goddamn deposit. You know what else I didn't get? I didn't get ANY notification that my appointment was cancelled. I just wasted my day, took time off work for absolutely nothing.
Last year, I asked for advice and was told Indian Trails was the best place in town. Well, that was an absolute joke. I took a cat in who I thought had a cold because she was having trouble breathing. They made it known that she had fluid in her lungs and that's why she had problems. They said that they could do some tests, but that would cost a lot of money and dismissed me. So I decided to put her down (she was 16 and a previous cancer survivor). It took an HOUR after the first injection to actually put her down. The incompetent vet and her 12 year old vet tech couldn't find the vein to put the injection in, so they put it in her STOMACH!!! You know what it's like watching your pet struggle for an hour to even breathe, being so stressed out that they can't even sit still, AFTER BEING GIVEN A SEDATIVE? The whole time this incompetent hag gaslit me, saying it was because she was spending so much energy trying to breathe. No, it was because you don't know how to give an injection.
So I guess maybe I need to know who the worst vet in town is and try my luck there, because they can't be any worse than the places I have been so far.