Concept: Spider-UK (Betsy)

I've noticed that the original Spider-UK (Bill Braddock), despite being the founder of the Web Warriors in the comics, is absent in the Spider-Verse movies. I know Hobie/Spider-Punk is meant to be a homage to the original concept of Spider-UK as a punk, and the Captain Britain Corps is present via Malala Windsor but I have a sort of fan-theory

What if a Braddock Spider-UK is absent for a reason? I posit that should they have Braddock in the next Spider-verse, it could be Betsy Braddock (Psylocke), though references to the X-men series or movies would be indirect and whether or not she's a mutant or a normal psychic would be up to the writers. However, as a highly powerful telepath, a combination of clarivoyance, intelligence, and intent reading far more powerful than any standard Spidey Sense made her a threat to the Spider Society led her to be ousted the only way she could have been: via frustratingly simple political machinations and manipulation.

Other than that i'm unsure of what else to add in this concept role-wise, but in this case it is Betsy in her original body while Kwannon could act as her protege rather than as a body double.

Stylistically, Spider-UK (Betsy) would either share the same aesthetics as Malala (being a Captain Britain Corps member), or, as an indirect way of calling to her relationship to the X-Men, have an outline + heavy shadow shader and color palette deliberately meant to resemble the Pop Art nature of Jack Kirby's art.