result of FCC fiber speed challenge

So I submitted a challenge / complaint to the FCC; Spectrum shows that they offer symmetric fiber at my location, and my understanding is that they received rural broadband $$$ based on this statement.

They do not; uploads are <10% of the download speeds. This is a brand new fiber install (new all along the road, for miles).

This is what the FCC said:

" Challenged Technology: Fiber to the Premises
 Data As-of Date: 6/30/2024
 Challenge Category: The provider indicated that it cannot connect broadband at this location using the technology selected.

The provider subject to your challenge has conceded the challenge and is required to submit a correction for the challenged location in the online portal within 30 days.

If you have further questions about this notification, please contact the BDC Help Center at"

Any idea what this means, or what the outcome will be?