By far the most ignorant and selfish community I have ever seen

  • "The game isn't dead, you guys are just overexaggerating" says the console player to the PC player that takes 5 minutes to find 1 match if he's lucky
  • "Ultimate isn't OP and shouldn't be nerfed" says the player that only plays for single player content whereby the AI will never spam sparking mode against him
  • "This game sucks and lack character variety, where is Farmer with a shotgun and *Insert any random TOP character that was defeated in 1 episode" says the guy that will probably play the character he requested once and never touch again after realising he/she/it is not meta
  • "Ultimates in this game are easy to dodge, just vanish and block" says the player that probably never plays the game <---- Real btw, this guy also then proceeded to say the pro players in the latest SZ tournament couldn't dodge them because they are bad lol
  • Oh and the last but not least, a bunch of shills telling the community to "Leave the billion dollar company alone". You guys do realise criticism means that the people actually care about the game right ? Better negativity than ignorance