Jesus Christ most people here act like this is the Sonic 06 of Dragon Ball Games
OK to start: I agree that we do need more Maps and Costumes. Heck I would love more especially when it comes to Costumes as there is so much more they can do. I also agree that the Teaser for DLC 2 looked rough. But god damn ya all at this point make it sound like this game is an absolute mess.
So you guys spend the last few weeks complaining that the game was rushed out and now that they delay the next DLC you people complain about that too?! MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!!! This delay most likely is there to iron out some of these issues. This is the same thing we had with the trailers pre launch where things like the Dragon Fist win screen looked rough but they fixed that before release. I think it's fine to talk about these things so they can get fixed but at this point all of you are just constantly complaining to the point where I have to wonder if any of you are even having fun when playing this game.
Ranked annoys you? Go play with friends or hop into Custom Battle.
No offline content? Fair complaint and I too would like more (Local Co Op Tournament when Bandai?!) but also don't act like Mission 100 would have lasted up until this point. Go play other games from time to time you don't have to make this game your life. Take a break and return when the next DLC drops or when you just wanna duke it out for a few rounds.
I don't want to say that critizising this game is wrong as this game is obviously isn't perfect but at this point this whole sub is 90% bitching and whineing