Sparking Zero Update?!
First, I love this game, have 100+ hours, and want as much for it as possible! BUT, Is this game ever gonna get an update beyond DLC? I mean seriously, all they did was change Yajoribe and a couple other behind the scene things? Most players still report server issues, and yajirobe was 1/100 of the issues players are being unfairly punished by. Kind of insane that Dragon Ball Breakers had had more care and attention and that was a buy-in game too. Hell even Dragon Ball Multi in its BETA phase has had more community input and reception from the devs, hell it even has its own social media page on Twitter. Why is Sparking Zero, the ‘definitive’ new gen dragon ball game, getting such low support and news?.. The player count is dropping a considerable amount and people are hungry for player outfits, maps, and balancing!
First, I love this game, have 100+ hours, and want as much for it as possible! BUT, Is this game ever gonna get an update beyond DLC? I mean seriously, all they did was change Yajoribe and a couple other behind the scene things? Most players still report server issues, and yajirobe was 1/100 of the issues players are being unfairly punished by. Kind of insane that Dragon Ball Breakers had had more care and attention and that was a buy-in game too. Hell even Dragon Ball Multi in its BETA phase has had more community input and reception from the devs, hell it even has its own social media page on Twitter. Why is Sparking Zero, the ‘definitive’ new gen dragon ball game, getting such low support and news?.. The player count is dropping a considerable amount and people are hungry for player outfits, maps, and balancing!